Yes, I support our troops. I have a young nephew over there, risking his life. But a lot of initial goodwill is being lost by incidents such as the one described below. The more Iraqi civilians that are killed, the greater the backlash against Americans and our troops. It will make Iraqis want to kill more Americans in anger, including my Daniel, who is just driving a truck. Read this story from the UK:,12239,1037149,00.html
Our troops are in a difficult situation, but if they slide into a mindset like Vietnam when troops shot up a village of women and children at Mai Lai, it turns Iraqi supporters into bitter enemies consumed with anger and resentment against America.
Killing Iraqi police and civilians guarantees that the Iraq experiment will fail. If we had foreign troops here and they did this to Americans we'd be outraged and would want them out of our country.
Unfortunately, our troops do not get peacekeeping training. They are trained only how to fight opposing military forces instead of how to deal with civilians as is now necessary. If we don't treat ordinary Iraqi's like people with some respect, our days are numbered and it will blow up in our face --Bush's and Rumsfeld's face, our soldiers faces, possibly even Daniel's. This is the worst planned war by our so called experts.
People don't want to hear this, but as a terrorism analyst I have to tell them the truth. It's important that now we are in this mess that it work - but the shootings of civilians and other blunders will cause it to fail. It will spike terrrorism backlash against the U.S. --there and here at home. And that will be another tragedy to come out of this war.
How the war in Iraq has helped Al Qaeda recruiting:,8599,484590,00.html?cnn=yes
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