Friday, October 31, 2003

Iraq Riots

Reports today of a riot in Iraq and 14 killed. Unfortunately, this will create even more ill will towards American soldiers if they did the shooting instead of Iraqi police. Bremer really screwed up when he failed to follow the James Baker Institute guidelines for a postwar Iraq and disbanded the Iraqi army, which chose to flee rather than fight for Saddam. Their reward? Dismissal and unemployment. Not a good way to win friends and influence people.

Now the Bush administration is claiming Saddam is behind all the new attacks. I'll bet a year's pay that if they caught him tomorrow the attacks will continue regardless. They have taken on a life of their own, from leftover Fedayeen to the "freedom fighters" flooding into the country from surrounding countries--none of whom we stopped at the border.  One conservative commenator emailed me that we shouldn't stop them at the border "so we could kill them in Iraq."  I emailed back to point out that I didn't see us t killing scads of terrorists but they were killing our troops and Iraqis in the bombings, so I miss their "logic."

If you really want to know what is happening over there, check out a couple Baghdad writers and their blogs. One is called "Riverbend" an extremely intelligent woman. Here site is at:

Another good one is: (the original Baghdad blogger).

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