Thursday, January 8, 2004

A new year already

New Year's day in Houston was foggy. Then the temps went into the 60's and 70's for a few days. Is this winter? Then suddenly a couple days ago the COLD hit. It started raining last night, a wet, cold rain that makes you glad you are inside instead of camped out by a fire with only a horse and a blanket.

It's been too busy to write the last week. The court just upheld Tom DeLay's GOP redistricting plan that knocks out more Democrat Congressmen in Texas. At the same time, a GOP friend of mine running for Constable in DeLay's home district of Ft. Bend - was told he was being dropped from the ballot because he has to go to Iraq on active duty during the primary. He is running against another Republican incumbent who DeLay uses for security when in town.

So is this how DeLay & Co. treats military guys serving their country - by denying them access to the ballot as a candidate?  So this DeLay's example of Democracy-at-work for the Iraqis? 

It stinks - which is another confirmation I did the right thing when I filed papers at the end of 2003 to become an Independent candidate for Congress in this district. There's no way to get past DeLay in the GOP primary and the Democrat candidate has no global experience and always loses this district (with 35%) anyway. However, if I keep the GOP 21% and can somehow add the Dems 35%, I win and the District gets its first Globally experienced Congressman with expertise as a TV terrorism analyst..

Meanwhile it is as if we have to fight our own power abusing Saddams right here in America - a one man dictator who has just engineered the third boundary change I've had to navigate in this Congressional district since 2000. I know this personally because I ran in the GOP primary in 2000 and 2002 (and got 21% of the GOP without funding and no mailings or TV) -- and in 2004 I face yet a 3rd configuration of District 22.  Redistricting is supposed to be once a decade, not 3. Democrats abused it --and it's no better when Republicans do the same. It should include swing voters and minorities, not cut them out like DeLay's plan does.

It should be an interesting year.

Oh yes, my initial website is at:

then it will become www.FjetlandForFairElections.Org

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