Sunday, May 2, 2004

Sleeping Dogs

Henri the 100 lb wonderdog was snoring so loud it woke me up, so here I am.

The weekend was a mix of heavy thunderstorms on Saturday with 2 to 4 inches of rain - and pretty blue skies Sunday. I got out and continued my signature drive.

The latest poll results show the incumbent is at the lowest rating he's been in 20 years - 36% - with 64 per cent wanting someone else! This could be the year for a big change.

Iraq is looking stranger every week. Now allegations of abuse of prisoners by some GI's.  All it takes are a few bad apples to wipe out any remaining good will we had among the Iraqi people. This is unAmerican conduct that will kickback on us.

Gas prices are high and I keep meeting people whose businesses are not doing well or have been laid off or think they are about to be laid off. When they say the economy is doing better I have to wonder when it will trickle down to normal folks.

Perhaps what we really need is NO ONE in charge for the next 4 years - then we could all focus on business instead of political infighting, wars and without a Congress spending money like water flowing over Niagra we might get ahead! LOL.

Back to bed...

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