Tuesday, September 21, 2004

DeLay's Aides Indicted While I fix my car

I had a radio talk show interview today, Meria Heller from Arizona, then was getting my car transmission fluid changed --which was taking forever since it was a trade with a client who couldn't afford to pay -- when news broke of several of my opponent's (Tom DeLay) aides getting indicted.  I didn't find out about it until news time.

Suddenly, things are changing. Anything could happen, with 40 days to go to election day. God works in mysterious ways!

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Reving Up

Thank God August is dead. I felt as if  I'd been fried under a microwave all month. September SOUNDS cooler, even when it's still hot.

The political season has begun. My underdog campaign against the dragon DeLay somehow survived the heat and the economy that has been on life support. The trickle down economics hasn't really been trickling - I think the heat evaporated it on the way down.

Florida must have really ticked off the big guy in the sky - two hurricanes in one season! First Charley, then Francis. And it may get knocked down again by Ivan. That what happens when you hang chads and let Ralph Nader back on the ballot!

Ummm. Heat may have fried some of my brain, or Ralph's - along with everyone else running. DeLay is polling 45%, the lowest ever and is promising if he gets reelected he'll start eating vegetables again. Ok, maybe not vegetables...

Later..Henri the dog is demanding a break. Never deny a dog that needs to go...