Wednesday, October 27, 2004

6 Days to Go - Getting ugly

Six days to go before the election, and it's getting ugly. I'm not talking about the national campaign, but this Congress race. 

The 20-year incumbent, who hasn't had a sign or campaign office in a decade, suddenly has tons of both. And he's even throwing out negative attack ads, a sure sign of desperation.

My only question is: Where do I sign up to get attacked? Heck, DeLay's giving name recognition to the first-time Democrat challenger by attacking him.  I want some equal time! LOL.

Heck, I'm the one pulling away the incumbents GOP voters, the moderate ones who are tired of him. The Democrat's base is only 35% of the district. There are at least 40% moderate Republicans that refused to vote for DeLay in the March primary in his home county - a greater number. Ummmm.

So, if I get attacked in the next few days, I'll know that I've "arrived."

Actually, like many voters, I'm ready for this election to be OVER. It's gone on too long and is too negative. I have tried to focus on issues instead of mudslinging, but mudslinging is winning out...where's my mud ball?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Campaign End stage

The campaign is, thankfully, near an end. The outsome is still uncertain. I just saw a poll that said the incumbent (DeLay) is at 47% --pretty low for a 20-year incumbent. It seems like every day there is another story in the papers about his ethics or other problems.

We actually got to debate at a candidate forum hosted by the Clear Lake High School debate team - DeLay waited until 30 minutes before it started to call and say he was coming. When I got the word I immediately called the TV stations, who started walking in during the debate--too late for him to duck and run.

Afterward, to my amazement, a lot of people came up and said how I had impressed them. About half of them said they were switching their vote to me as a result. Too bad it wasn't televised live. My poll numbers would skyrocket.

So the underdog continues to do it grass roots. Ended up on another TV station tonight.

I am TIRED. Ready to wrap this up. It's an excitiing finish. No clue as to how it will come out yet. Anything could happen.