Cold, steady rain falling. Seems like its gone on for days now. You huddle in your coat and hope no one skids into your car.
Went to the Baker Institute at Rice University today to hear a speaker, the "Mayor of the Pentagon." The description sounded like a full time job for a small company instead of one person. We sat at round tables with a nice box lunch.
At the end one of the questionaires was a young man who looked American, but said he was an Iraqi whose family had business in Iraq for years. After the speech I went over to meet him. A Voice of America reporter got to him first, so I listened in to the interview as he described how they had a factory and struggled to survive during sanctions and the war. He's going back this summer, as he has every year.
I got to meet a Profeesor from the Hebrew University who still had jet lag and Mrs. Gillis, the President's wife and some other sharp people.
Then the VOA reporter wanted to ask me some questions as a terrorism analyst about Iraq. I basically said my concern was that Osama was the global killer and Saddam just beat up on Iraqis. The young Iraqi man nodded in agreement. But now Osama has had a year or so to conduct bombings and plan his next big U.S. spectacular, and I felt we were in great jeopardy because we quit chasing him and went after the wrong guy who didn't have WMD's or anything to do with 9 11. So we just spent at least $200 billion and over 500 young American lives on the least dangerous one of all the ones in the world, including North Korea's Kim Jung Il.
Wife is calling.
Ignoring such a call is a greater risk than a WMD... More later...
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