Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mr (Miss?) Groundhog was right

Not long after the last entry another wave of COLD and RAIN swept over us. I "flew" low yesterday, driving in a steady cold mist in my paid for '90 Mercedes whose heater gave out some time ago along with the radio so I get to miss a lot of talk radio --which isn't missing much. I miss the heater more. I hear Rush falling in love with the sound of his own voice but there's no one else allowed on the mike or phone to say: 

"Well Rush, now that you got treatment for your drug problem, why are poor kids being put in jail right now for the same thing?" Why aren't you changing that -- or is jail only for poor folks?

Nope, the only callers allowed through are those agreeing with him. That does not sound like America to me. No conservative can claim that is a true democractic forum. But the screaming opposite opinions on the other shows don't impress me either. How about some sane dialogue instead folks?

If we had a legal system that ran like talk radio shows, only 1 side would get to put on evidence and then the judge would make a ruling. That sounds a lot like the Soviet Union and the old China communist system more than what our founding fathers (and mothers) had in mind.

I've seen it happen here in the good ole USA. With one party in control (be it Democrats or Republican) legal extremes and abuse happens. Exhibit A: The GOP Pork machine in DC is outdoing any Democrat pork - now 1/2 trillion budget hole!

I see America hiding from the world.  We could win big if we embraced it instead.  I see a world of potential friends. The current administration sees a world of enemies. I've been in over 55 countries and know from experience that is not so.

Fareed Zakaria in NEWSWEEK said it best in his Feb 2 piece: "The One Note Superpower."  While our leaders fixate only on the negative, they fail to see the positive opportunities ahead.  The globalization engine has continued to move and we have much more on the global agenda than terrorism - such as jobs, skills, medicare care, etc. etc.

Pennsylvania Phil Groundhog was right this year - Winter has been hanging around too long and will be around a bit longer. I'm ready for Spring...

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