Tuesday, July 13, 2004

No Time

I've had no time, or energy, to blog lately. 

Our Houston summer has turned from rain to HOT AS HADES and the A/C remains out of action on my '90 Mercedes (at least it's paid for and still rolling with 261,000 miles so far - I'm tempted to see how far it will go).

The election is heating up and Iraq and the economy are said to be the key deciding factors that will swing the swing voters who will decide this dead heat. The voters I talk to on the street don't reflect the happy numbers coming out of DC - the hiring of burger flippers is up, but not engineers or real jobs.

I caught a bug last Thursday that had me throwing up and it took several days for it to give up, so I'm just now getting rolling again. But it's summer and people's minds are on vacation and I can't blame them. It's good to have some fun when the news has been awful and the times have been hard for most. Some escape helps keep one's sanity unless you have already lost your mind, then the escape helps those who have to put up with you! I know my wife would agree with that.

Interesting. We have Dick Cheney telling a senior Senator "F*** You" and then  goes on a road trip talking about how their team has superior values. Ummmmm.

Campaign 2004: "Our foul language is of higher quality than the other guys!"

 Perhaps that's the new definition of values.

I think this is not what most Americans think equals values.

I don't think Americans like arrogance. Or false values, or hypocrites who do what they condemn, often at the same time.

I don't think they like those who never apologize for bad behavior while claiming they have "values."  We'll see.

The good thing about democracy is that we have a chance to change the players and start fresh. Boy, we need a fresh start ...

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