Friday, July 23, 2004

The Whirlwind Begins - 9 11 Report Released

Americans should unplug their air conditioners to get a feel for what our troops and civilians in Iraq are going through, only more so.  Last night our 13-year old house air conditioner gave up the ghost and died.

In Houston, loss of air conditioning is treated like instant death. People grab their phones and ranson their kids to buy a new working compressor if it goes out in July when its hitting triple digit heat index.  A new one was $3,500 - a fortune to most people (including me).  The house felt like a sticky hot box. Imagine going through that all day, day after day, month after month in Iraq as one of our soldiers, or as an Iraqi civilian?  We need to remember that.

Got to run - New A/C is humming, Thank God. 9 11 report just came out. More on that later. It was like a Compressor blowing it in it's revelations.

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